Our integrated COMPRESS Methodology is unique in the industry. This methodology expedites results so rapidly that we estimate that it can decrease (compress) typical negotiation time by 80%.
Market Intelligence
Using AI, we quickly (24-48 hours) analyze the real data of customers (contracts, agreements, invoices, quotes, PO’s, EDI data, etc..). Green Cabbage analyzes data at the micro-SKU level, using the 1.65B+ data points from the database, which covers 15,000+ Technology Suppliers.
From this analysis, we produce and deliver a MIT (Market Intelligence Thesis). A MIT is a qualitative and quantitative report that provides detailed insights and immediately actionable recommendations about optimal pricing and terms. A Green Cabbage MIT is available in 3 different types: Lightweight, Comprehensive and Competitive.
Broad Expertise
Our expert team will then advise customers on the best commercial, legal, and operational steps to take with a Supplier. We will coach our customers about how to best negotiate. We have negotiated over $150B+ in contracts in 20+ core competency categories, featuring OVER 15,000 Technology Suppliers.
Executive Network
Our team of executives has worked at the largest suppliers. Green Cabbage will align its customers with the decision-makers to accelerate optimal outcomes. Our team understands the sales strategies and business practices.
The Compress Methodology Results
Our Compress Methodology utilizes market intelligence, licensing, negotiation expertise, and executive-level relationships to accelerate sustainable cost reduction initiatives in these categories.